Chapter Bylaws

All professional chapters must adhere to the ACM Professional Chapter bylaws. Bylaws of the KACST SIGCHI Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery Article I: Name This organisation shall be called: KACST SIGCHI. In these bylaws it is referred to as the Chapter; the Association for Computing Machinery is referred to as ACM. Article II: Purpose […]

Chapter Officers

KACST ACM SIGCHI is an association that is run entirely by volunteers with five officers: Chair: Dr. Areej Al-Wabil Vice Chair: Ms. Arwa Al-Abdulkarim Treasurer: Ms. Naelah Alageel Membership Officer: Dr. Khalid Majrashi Web Master: Dr. Shiroq Al-Megren To know more about the responsibilities of the officers, kindly visit this link.  

Exploring the Use of Social Media in Education from Learners Perspective

The third seminar from the chapter’s seminar series 2018 will be hosting Ms. Yara A. AlHaidari. Ms. Yara will explore the use of social media in Education from the perspective of learners. A summary is provided by Ms. Yara as follows: Social media has affected different fields of our lives, students are using and contributing […]

Annual Meeting Announcement

Ramadan Mubarak. We hope you are all enjoying the blessed month! We are delighted to announce the KACST ACM SIGHCHI annual meeting with the chapter’s members. The meeting will give the members the opportunity to view what has been accomplished in the first year and hopefully encourage membership renewals. The meeting will also offer an […]

Membership Renewal

Dear members, The past year was made up of an exciting series of events that we were delighted to have shared with you all. As the first years of the chapter comes to an end (May 17th), we are happy to remind and encourage our members to renew their membership by reapplying here. من أجل […]

Saudi_Challange: National Portal

Hello all, A fantastic challenge has been announced concerning the development of a better user experience to the national portal with prizes of up to SR 250,000! The challenge aims to develop the national portal through this competition to bring together professionals in the field of user experience to provide innovative ideas to make the […]